What is Aligned AF?

I'm the founder, Naeemah Jade, and this is the story of Aligned AF.

Aligned AF started over a decade ago in text messages with my girls, conversations with strangers at bars, and beautiful women just needing help. A point came where I felt people were searching for more. What I knew for sure was; we all have gifts we were sent here with and the answers we were are searching for reside within us. I would present different ideas of how to reconnect to retrieve those answers to anyone needing help. Women began to listen and get deep results.

During my teenage years I always had a deeper knowing about life, and spirit gave me the gift to help others see the gifts they were sent here with.

Their MAGIC.

Time and time again people would come back saying how I had help them manifest so many things.

I began to research different ways to manifest things for myself, meditating more and listening to a gang of manifestation Youtube videos.  I began manifesting things that really couldn’t be explained, when I would share with my friends, naturally they wanted to know more and I gave them everything I knew. I hosted several “Feel the Vision” events to introduce the idea of deliberate manifestation to people who wouldn’t normally have those conversations.

The final push moment was when a friend called me one weekday afternoon, a couple weeks after I had given her advice over Friday night drinks. As soon as I answered the phone I heard, “NAEEMAH, WHAT THE HELL KINDA POWERS YOU GOT?” I thought what the hell did I do? She then went on to tell me how she did everything I told her to do and everything happened exactly as she asked it to. She said it was so scary  that it happened to a T. She told herself it had to be coincidence so she tried it again and produced the same results.  She then went on to tell me “You have to share this Naeemah, people need this”.  

Aligned AF is here for the people that didn’t grow up with this but knew it was more out there. It’s for those that still curse, don’t necessarily have the typical “spiritual life”, but know connection with their Source is still so very real for them. It’s for the amazing folks that know they can co-create how they want their lives to flow with ease. It’s for us to come together and learn from each other, because we will align with each other to expand and go higher.


We are Aligned AF. 

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